Sell your soul to Satan for EXTREME MONEY, FAME, LOVE, FORTUNE, multiple romantic partners, riches - to BECOME A ROCK STAR, MOVIE STAR, PRESIDENT (we all know a few who did this), and MORE!!!
Ever wonder why some people are just born lucky and some people struggle despite a lifetime of hard work? Some people just get all the luck no matter bad they behave while other people get stuck in poverty despite being good people.
This product is for someone who wants Satan to take you to the next level. Whatever your aspiration, this ritual product will take you to the top 1% of your dream or chosen field.
I will create a binding contract between you and Satan and YOU for YOUR EXTREME GOOD FORTUNE,
For entertainment only. No metaphysical outcome is implied or warrantied. You are buying a piece of my original, religious artwork as a tangible good. No refunds.
Once I receive your order, I will host a ritual and evoke that entity into my magic circle. T
An "eternal contract" spans a few lifetimes, typically 2 to 300 years. Satan will make sure it works out so well for you, that he will send a message to ask you to renew your contract once the time is up. If you are reading this message now and a feel a strange attraction to this offer, that means you had a contract with Satan before and you were led here by Satan to renew your commitment. The benefit of this length of contract is that Satan can line you up for success in the long run and that a decision you make today will come to fruition many years down the road. While 10, or 20 years are long for humans, for a spirit like Satan, it is less than the blink of an eye.
This is NOT for everybody
Keep in mind, when you contact me for this ritual product, you are contacting Satan's representative on earth. He is reading your email, as well as your thoughts.
I have a lot of experience working with Satan now, in my observation, the people who have a contract with Satan generally live a happy, productive life in great relationships.
This ritual product is for people who know what they want in life and are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it. This product is for people who are willing to leave their comfort zone and take a serious risk. This product is for people who have the mental fortitude to face the harsh truth about their shortcomings and make changes.
For entertainment only. No metaphysical outcome is implied or warrantied. You are buying a piece of my original, religious artwork as a tangible good. No refunds.